A tradeline is a credit report account that is the fastest way to boost your credit score and can also if in good standing can be an additional source of income. The tradelines are usually from individuals with good or excellent credit who have agreed to allow the tradeline holder to use their accounts for a fee. Tradelines are beneficial in many ways, and it’s important you know what they are so you can take advantage of them!
People use tradelines (giving a potential borrower another person’s good credit account, or “piggybacking” on that person’s credit) to improve their own credit score. As such, it can be difficult to find seasoned authorized user (AU) tradelines for sale. If you are looking for a trustworthy, affordable and professional source of AU tradelines, we have what you need!
An authorized user tradeline is an account on which you are listed as an authorized user; this means that you have no liability for any charges incurred on the account. Sometimes, parents add their children as authorized users of their credit cards.
If you’re added as an authorized user, the complete history of the account will show up in your credit report. This is because credit records usually don’t show the date the AU was added to the account. Someone added as an authorized user to a credit card can end up with years’ worth of excellent credit history. This is why people often get an AU tradeline from a friend or family member to start building up their credit.
Being added to someone else’s credit card as an AU can come with its own risks, depending on how the primary user has managed this tradeline. If the AU tradeline has negative marks such as high utilization or late payments, this could have an undesirable impact on your credit file. Not everyone has the opportunity to be added as an authorized user on a friend or family member’s credit tradeline.
Technology has equalized opportunities for those who previously may not have had the same privileged access to authorized user tradelines. Now, high-quality AU tradelines can be purchased for a more affordable price than ever before, which allows anyone to enjoy the perks of having access to tradelines.
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