How Many Credit Cards Should You Have?

big pile of overlapping credit cards covering surface

For most of your life, you have been and will be concerned about numbers. What grade did you receive on that science test? How high is your cholesterol? What is the right number of credit cards you should have? The truth is that there is no magic number of cards that will automatically give you […]

How Do Credit Scoring Systems Consider Authorized User Tradelines?

stack of credit cards on keyboard

Many consumers are perplexed as to how tradelines can assist them with their credit scores. These scores tend to be a bit mysterious as there are numerous paths to attaining both poor and good credit. There is not just a single answer, and in many cases, the best course of action for a consumer is […]

Here’s Why Age Is the Most Important Factor When Buying Tradelines

woman on phone and laptop entering her credit card information

You probably already know that not all tradelines are created equal. Some companies sell cheap and shady lines that offer few benefits if any. Other companies sell high-quality tradelines that cost more money. Even these reputable companies often have different prices for various tradelines. That superior factor that affects pricing is the age. The Importance […]

Credit Repair vs. Adding Tradelines: What’s the Difference?

fix your credit written in marker on board

If your credit score is lower than you would like, you’re probably looking for ways to raise it. Since your credit score has significant influence on your borrowing power, it’s worth the effort you put into improving it. Whether you report is marred by collections accounts or you’ve had a history of late payments, there […]

Ask the Credit Experts: Can Authorized User Tradelines Help You Build Credit?

stack of credit cards

It’s no secret that you should start building credit while you’re young so you have more borrowing power when you’re older. It’s practically impossible to purchase a car or a house without sufficient credit history. So unless you plan to pay cash for all your large purchases, building credit is imperative. However, new laws have […]

Are Tradelines Ethical?

right or wrong

Selling and buying tradelines is a good way to boost your own credit. However, over the years, many economists have raised the question, “Are tradelines ethical?” The main issue raised with tradelines is that people believe they are an artificial method of boosting credit scores and that they give people the ability to access a […]
