Are Inquiries Really Harming Your Credit?

excellent credit score on tablet

We check things all the time. We check our cell phones for text messages, access our email all day long and look at our bank account to make sure there’s enough cash for that trip to Hawaii. You can view your credit report, too, but if you do that you can put your credit at […]

5 Questions Every Authorized User Should Ask When Buying Tradelines

Questions Every Authorized User Should Ask When Buying Tradelines

No financial investment or decision should be made without a fair bit of consideration on your part first. If you are thinking of becoming an authorized user of a tradeline as a way of boosting your credit score, then you need to answer some questions first so that the process works in your favor and […]

10 Basic DIY Tips for Credit Repair

bad credit uninstalling

When you’re young and have a poor credit history, it may not seem like a big deal. As you grow older, however, you become more reliant on credit to make big changes. A credit score decides not just your ability to buy a car or home, but even to move out on your own and […]

Boost Your Credit Score Fast With a Rapid Rescore

boost credit score button

Sometimes, the smallest difference in your credit score can mean receiving better terms on a large loan, such as a mortgage. If you’re just a few points shy of receiving the more advantageous terms that can potentially save you thousands of dollars, you may be considering putting off buying that house until your credit score […]

Keep Watch Against Tradeline Myths

climbing credit score

Good credit is essential for those who want the better things in life, such as a home or a new car. If you are one of many with less-than-stellar credit, you may still be able to buy these things, but at a higher price because you’ll have to pay a higher interest rate. For some […]

Use These Tips To Increase Your Credit Limit

happy couple shopping

Many people are unaware of the many benefits they can get from one simple task: increasing their credit limit. A higher credit limit equals more spending power, which may or may not be a good thing. It also means that the increase in available credit lowers what you currently use in comparison. This decreases your […]
