FAQs about Our Authorized User Tradelines

Funding your Coast Wallet

Coast Tradelines accepts in-person bank deposits for new customers. More information can be found at www.coasttradelines.com/deposit/

We are contractually obligated by our cardholders to only secure lines that have been fully funded. If your line does not post, we will grant a refund up to 100% of the price paid.

If you need to withdraw your funds, complete our withdrawal form HERE.
We’ll need the following information:

  • Amount of Withdrawal
  • Payee name on the check
  • Mailing address to receive check

We will issue a check via regular mail within one week of receiving your request.

Ordering Tradelines

For maximize acceptance, please make sure to:

  • Have funds in your Coast Wallet
  • Enter all of the client’s information accurately into the application

The most common reasons why an application gets rejected is because an order was not funded within the 24 hour grace period, the application was incomplete, or there was an issue with the submitted SSN.

Prices are different for different tradelines because of their Credit Limit and Age. This is because a line with a lower limit or younger age will not have as big of an impact as line with a higher limit and older age. We offer a variety of different lines to suit each client’s unique needs.

We will send out an email announcing the exact date and time of the next AU launch. Make sure you have subscribed to our email list.

Posting Tradelines

A “Special Address” is simply a mailing address that you must temporarily use in place of your own to get tradelines from certain banks to post. All banks require a special address to post EXCEPT for BoA, Cabelas and PNC. All other banks require a temporary address change and an updated 3-bureau report through a credit monitoring platform such as Experian.com, SmartCredit.com or IdentityIQ.com.

All AU tradelines are ready to post 8-10 days after the statement date and should remain posted for at least 60 days after the statement date

All AU tradelines should post to at least Experian and TransUnion. The following banks should post to all 3-bureaus: BoA, PNC and Cabelas.

Due to the very dynamic nature of this business, there are many factors beyond our control that can cause a line to post improperly or occasionally not at all. Sometimes these have to do with issues on the cardholder end and sometimes they are due to issues with the client’s credit file. What we can guarantee is that if there are any issues with posting and they are brought to our attention in a timely manner, we will always evaluate the problem and assess a refund for the order as quickly as possible.

If your tradeline does not post, please fill out our Non-Posting Form and we will get back to you ASAP. For expedited service, make sure that you provide your credit monitoring information and double-check that the login credentials are accurate.

No, you must remove all fraud alerts prior to purchasing tradelines or they will likely not post and you will not qualify for a refund. Fraud alerts can be removed within 24-48 hours by contacting the bureaus directly.

Refund Policy

We guarantee that the tradeline will post with:

  • Perfect payment history
  • Less than 30% utilization (it will be much less for majority of the cards)

Depending on which bank’s card you bought, posting to only 1-2 bureaus that will entitle you to a partial refund


It takes about 1 business day to process refunds in the event that your tradeline does not post. We will grant you store credit to your Coast Wallet so you can buy a replacement line or cash out your funds and have them returned to you. 

If you’d like your funds to be returned, we will return funds directly to the debit card used in your initial deposit. If you made a cash deposit at a physical bank, we will send an ACH transfer to your bank. Cash out withdrawals take about 3-5 days to process.


*Note* if the AU line is not posted due to fraud alerts on your file, no refund will be given


Our refund policy is as follows:

  • Proof of non-posting (a 3-bureau credit report) must be provided no earlier than 1 week after the statement date and the issue must be resolved no later than 4 weeks after the statement date.
    • For tradelines that do not require “Special Address” to post:
      • If the tradeline posted to one bureau or no bureaus at all, a full refund will be granted
      • If it posted to two bureaus or to all three, no refund will be granted
    • For tradelines that require “Special Address” to post:
      • If it posts to EX and TU, no refund is granted
      • If it posts to EX or TU only, a 50% refund is granted
      • If it posts to EQ and one other bureau (EX or TU), a 50% refund is granted
      • If it posts to EQ only, a full refund is granted
*Note* if the AU line is not posted due to fraud alerts on your file, no refund will be given. The refund policy depends on whether the tradeline that was purchased requires a special address to trimerge:
Posts to 1 Bureau Posts to 2 Bureaus
Special Address Not Required 100% refund No refund
Special Address Required EX or TU only – 50% refund
EQ only – 100% refund
EX and TU – no refund
EQ and one other bureau – 50% refund

If your tradeline does not post, please fill out our Posting Form and we will get back to you ASAP. We will need to log-in to your credit monitoring account and double-check that all posting steps were completed successfully.

You’re welcome to withdraw funds from your Coast Wallet at anytime. Just complete our withdrawal form and we’ll issue an ACH transfer straightaway. Withdrawal Link : www.coasttradelines.com/withdraw/

Everything Else

Yes! Using AU tradelines to boost your credit is a perfectly legal process. Parents routinely add their children as authorized users to assist in credit building. And now, we’ve given you and your clients access to the process!

Use the “Contact” link, email us at service@coasttradelines.com, or call/text us at (347) 363-1399. We’re happy to answer any questions you have.

No, we do not sell CPN’s.

Yes! We can let you know if your SSN is clean here: Coast Validations.
